
Care tips

The best spot
A light spot, but not in direct sunlight. Putting the Vanda in a clear glass vase is ideal for the plant because of the better absorption of water due to the higher humidity in the vase.

18-24 ˚C.

At home the Vanda can either be soaked in water, or sprayed, making sure however that water is not left standing in the crown and between its leaves during night time. When the plant is in a clear glass vase, fill it twice a week till all roots are soaked with lukewarm water. Discard the water after 10 minutes.

New blooms
Vanda orchids will not bloom abundantly, if at all, in low light conditions, so providing adequate light is the key to re blooming this orchid. When the plant has finished flowering, cut off the flower stalk. The plant can bloom again within a year. Take care of the plant just as during the flowering period.

More Vanda

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Large Flowers

Orchideeen soorten102    Orchideeen soorten104    Orchideeen soorten105

Smaller flowers

Orchideeen soorten98    Orchideeen soorten99    Orchideeen soorten101    Orchideeen soorten100

More orchids

The best spot A light spot for most orchids is best, but no direct sunlight. Temperature Depending on the variety, most orchids do well between 18-24 ˚C. Water   Avoid overwatering which leads to the demise of many more orchids than underwatering. Constant wetness will cause the roots to rot, which leaves the plant without […]

Phalaenopsis Multiflora

Care tips The best spot A light spot, but no direct sunlight. Temperature 18-24 ˚C. Water   Dip 10 minutes in lukewarm water every week. Let it leak out afterwards. New blooms The Phalaenopsis orchid can bloom several times a year. When the plant has finished flowering, cut the stalk of the flower above the […]

Phalaenopsis Tiny Dolls

Care tips The best spot A light spot, but no direct sunlight. Temperature 18-24 ˚C. Water   Dip 10 minutes in lukewarm water every week. Let it leak out afterwards. New blooms The Phalaenopsis orchid can bloom several times a year. When the plant has finished flowering, cut the stalk of the flower above the […]

In addition to the common orchids, there are a number of other orchids:

– Angraecum
– Cattleya
– Howeara
– Ludisia
– Masdevallia
– Promenea
– Psychiopsis

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Vanda Sunanda Persian Indigo 1T_Plant

The Vanda is native to India, Thailand and Australia. There, the Vanda grows high in the trees of the jungle. The roots hang loose or wrap around the trunk of the tree. They act like sponges and can quickly absorb a lot of moisture.


The Vanda is perhaps the most mysterious genus among orchids, with a unique array of colors and exotic aerial roots.

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Phal Royal Blue 75 cm 2T14+The Phalaenopsis from the Royal Art collection are a real eye-catcher and impossible to imagine contemporary interiors without. The original color of the flowers is white. The plants are treated with a dye. This has no adverse effects on the shelf life of the plant. The Royal Art collection is of high quality. The plants are sustainably grown with respect for people and the environment.

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Phal p15 Bombay 2 takDeze Phalaenopsis heeft heel grote bloemen. Met haar grote bloemenpracht is deze Phalaenopsis een echte blikvanger. Deze plant is zeer elegant en een natuurlijke sfeermaker. De Grandiflora vindt haar oorsprong in Zuidoost-Azië, de Himalaya en de Filippijnen. De naam Phalaenopsis staat voor ‘als een (nacht)vlinder’ en is afgeleid van het Griekse ‘Phalaina’ (nachtvlinder) en ‘opsis’ (lijkend op). De Phalaenopsis heeft een lange bloeiperiode, soms tot wel twaalf weken.

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Phalaenopsis Multiflora P12 Perceval 2 tak 20+

The Phalaenopsis Multiflora has lots of small flowers. The name Phalaenopsis stands for “like a (moth) butterfly” and is derived from the Greek “Phalaina” (moth) and “opsis” (resembling). The Phalaenopsis has a long flowering period, sometimes up to 12 weeks.


In addition to trees, this orchid grows in the wild on highly permeable soil, such as humus and on rocks and in rock crevices, usually near rivers and streams..

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Phalaenopsis Tiny Dolls 2T Vivian_PlantThe Tiny Dolls gets its name from its small size: the plant is only 20 to 25 centimeters tall and the flowers are 2.5 centimeters wide. These adorable orchids stay small even when they start flowering again. Tiny Dolls has been developed over the past decade through an intensive cultivation program. With proper care, Tiny Dolls blooms for eight to 12 weeks.

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Phalaenopsis p12 Dame Blanche 16+

The name Phalaenopsis stands for “like a (moth) butterfly” and is derived from the Greek “Phalaina” (moth) and “opsis” (resembling). The Phalaenopsis is native to the tropical rainforests of Asia, New Guinea and Australia. They grow on tree branches and in rock crevices, often near streams and rivers.


The Phalaenopsis is the best-selling orchid in Europe and comes in many colors. The plants usually produce two or three branches. The Phalaenopsis has an exotic look and a long bloom; sometimes up to 12 weeks or more.

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Paphiopedilum USA Hybride 1 bloem

The Paphiopedilum is native to Asia and Central America. It grows among rocks and under trees to protect itself from the sun. The Paphiopedilum is also called “Venus shoe” because the lip of the flower resembles a shoe.


The shoe-shaped lip serves as an insect trap; flying insects are lured by scent and the promise of nectar in the flower. Once inside the lip, the insects can only exit through a narrow opening. Thus they touch the pistil and stamens, and they get the pollen on their bodies as a result. At the next flower, the pollen then lands on the pistil.

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Oncidium P12 Munsterland Stern 2 tak

With 750 species, the Oncidium forms one of the largest orchid families. This plant is native to the Americas – from Florida and Mexico to Peru and Argentina.


The Oncidium does not require much and is easy to get into bloom. The plant blooms for an average of six to eight weeks. The Oncidium is also called “Dancing Princess” because its flowers resemble a dancing princess.

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Miltonia P12 Herr Alexandre 2 tak

The Miltonia is found along riverbanks in Colombia and Brazil. The flowers of this plant resemble violets, which is why it is also called “Violet Orchid.


Some striking features of the Miltonia are its bright colors. Some varieties emit a wonderful fragrance. The Miltonia is available in many colors: white, pink, red and purple.Read more

Dendrobium Berry Oda roze 12+ tak

The name Dendrobium stands for tree (dendron) and life (bios). It is a reference to the way the plants grow: on the trunks of trees. The Berry Oda is native to Australia.

What stands out about this species of Dendrobium are its beautiful purple flowers, the lovely light fragrance it gives off and the large number of branches. The flowering period is unique. The plant begins to bloom in November and, provided you take good care of it, flowers with ease until the end of May.

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Dendrobium Nobile Apollon 2 tak 60 cm

The name Dendrobium stands for tree (dendron) and life (bios). It is a reference to the way the plants grow: on the trunks of trees. The Dendrobium Nobile is native to Southeast Asia, the Himalayan region, Malaysia, southern China and Japan.


The Dendrobium Nobile is distinguished from other orchids by the cluster of flowers that forms under the axil of each leaf. Each cluster has three to five flowers. With this particular inflorescence on the stem, the Dendrobium Nobile has a shelf life of at least eight weeks. The flowers emit a light fragrance, especially in the morning. The color ranges from all-white, yellow, orange, pink, purple and combinations thereof.

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Dendr SaNook Polar Fire 1T Vertakt

The Dendrobium Sa-nook is native to Asia. The name Dendrobium stands for tree (dendron) and life (bios). It is a reference to the way the plants grow: on the trunks of trees.


The Sa-nook® varieties are specially selected and developed by Suphachadiwong Orchids from Thailand. Together with our growers, we have developed a range that is very suitable for your living room. This assortment is protected and is only for sale by Cameleon Orchids and its growers. The Sa-nook blooms for a minimum of six weeks.

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Cymbidium p12 Anna 2T - kopie

Originally, the Cymbidium comes from South Asia. This unusual plant has long, narrow leaves that fall gracefully down below the flowers. The Cymbidium can bloom for six to eight weeks and is available in many colors.


When the Cymbidium gets too big for its pot, you can tear the plant in half and divide it into two or three pieces. Then plant the pieces in a new pot with fresh Cameleon orchid potting soil.

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Cambria P12 Catatante 2 Tak

The Cambria is a cross between several species of orchids and thus does not occur in nature. The flowering period averages six to eight weeks. Cambria orchids vary enormously in size and shape: from one and a half inches to over ten inches and from star-shaped to almost round. The flowers are beautifully marked. The colors brown, red and purple predominate, but there are also pink, orange and brown Cambrias.

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Brassia P12 Tessa 2 takBrassias also know as spider orchids are simply spectacular. They come in various shades of green with variable darker markings on the petals and lip. With dark green leaves and oval pseudo bulbs, the flowers are sweetly scented. Brassias are mostly spring or summer flowering. The Brassia is easy to get in bloom again and does well in the windowsill.

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