Care tips
The best spot
A light spot, but not in direct sunlight. Putting the Vanda in a clear glass vase is ideal for the plant because of the better absorption of water due to the higher humidity in the vase.
18-24 ˚C.
At home the Vanda can either be soaked in water, or sprayed, making sure however that water is not left standing in the crown and between its leaves during night time. When the plant is in a clear glass vase, fill it twice a week till all roots are soaked with lukewarm water. Discard the water after 10 minutes.
New blooms
Vanda orchids will not bloom abundantly, if at all, in low light conditions, so providing adequate light is the key to re blooming this orchid. When the plant has finished flowering, cut off the flower stalk. The plant can bloom again within a year. Take care of the plant just as during the flowering period.
More Vanda
Click the varieties below to see larger images.
Large Flowers
Smaller flowers